Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Holy crap. I move to California tomorrow. That is all.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Getting close to moving

5 years ago, we bought our house with the idea of fixing up as we went. There were things that needed to be done, but due to money or time, or just getting used to it, never got fixed. The past few weeks, we've been painting, and scraping, and grouting, and plastering, and fixing everything in the house while trying to pack at the same time. We've got 10 days left in Colorado, and I'm starting to stress out a little about getting everything finished.

On the plus side, one of the things that has been stressing me out the past few weeks resolved itself. We found roommates to live with in California! Moving in with us will be a first year optometry student and her husband. We've talked on the phone for maybe 20 minutes, and we'll be living together for at least the next year, so keeping my fingers crossed that this goes well.

Even though I'm a little overwhelmed about all the stuff that needs to get done in the next week and a half, I'm excited about the next month. We'll be in California for a whole month before classes start. That means we'll have a decent amount of time to explore Pomona, visit the beach, LA, Hollywood, and amusement parks. In one of the nearby cities is an amazing Nicaraguan restaurant that Tyler loves, so hopefully we'll be able to hit that up soon. And we'll be able to see my sister-in-law! She's been living in Tunisia, and will be coming back to California. We've only been able to see her for a few days a year, if we're lucky, so hopefully with some proximity, we'll get to see more of her.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Guess who has a house in California?

I finally got a house lined up! That's one major stress point gone. Now I just need to finish fixing up my house here, and in 20 days, I'll be living in California. I'm so excited!