I've been trying to be good, and keep up with making a study guide as I go. I was putting one together for muscle physiology, and googled a couple things, especially pictures, so I could be lazy, and not have to scan pictures out of my physiology and histology books.
Then I took a brief break, and read some cracked articles. Apparently, since I had cookies on my computer from sites that mentioned muscles, google ads threw THIS ad at the bottom of the article I was reading.
Oh, my god. Kill it with fire! Since there's no such thing as brain bleach, and it cannot be unseen, I figured I'd share it, and everybody can be creeped out by captain testosterone.
This was going to be a serious post, but I cannot figure out any way to segue from that picture to any other topic. Balls.
Brain Bleach... now that's a magnificent idea!