Monday, January 10, 2011

At the start of a new semester

Classes started last week. I was being bright and optimistic about starting with better study habits right away. Then I got sick. Last week was a combination of sleep deprived haziness, and trying to study through a cold-induced fog brain. And it was a horse repro case that focused heavily on embryology. Not a good time to get sick. But my new group is really awesome, and not just my classmates - my facilitator is one of my favorite faculty members to listen to his lectures, and he's just as great in a small group setting as he in in lectures. And he brought us bagels, so extra points there. :)

This week is looking up, though. Another reproduction case, this time an English bulldog with heavy vaginal discharge. Which means I can call Mom on the phone and ask her the differences between how veterinary and human medicine would handle the same problems, then she'll get all grossed out that I'm talking about dog vaginal discharge, I'll get grossed out when she mentions the same on a human, and then we probably won't talk about class stuff again for a few days.

I went to the bookstore today to buy some WesternU gear. None of the hoodies were really something that I'd want to wear. They had some that looked decent, but they were too thin to be warm. I ended up getting a grey one, in an XL. I'm swimming in it, it's ugly, and it looks ridiculous, but it is so comfy.

And I'm debating if I want to run for an officer position for ZWEACC (zoo, wildlife, exotics, aquatics and conservation club.) Exotics and wildlife are where my heart lie, but I really don't know if adding stuff to my plate is a good idea or not. I don't have much time to decide.

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